Data fra cookies vil ikke brukes til å samle inn personlige opplysninger om deg. I innstillingene til din nettleser kan du både skru av og slette cookies.
Her er en oversikt over hvilke cookies vi bruker, og deres varighet:
You have not accepted cookies.
Please select and accept cookies using the dialog at the bottom of this page.
cookieconsent_key |
1 year | This cookie is a unique ID key generated when you accept or change your cookies. |
cookieconsent_status |
1 year | This cookie remembers that a user has accepted/declined cookies on our website, so that the notice can be hidden. |
cookieconsent_accepted_categories |
1 year | This cookie remembers which categories of cookies the user has accepted. |
_ga |
2 years | Used to distinguish users for Google Analytics. |
_gali |
1 year | Used by Google Analytics to determine which links on a page are being clicked. |
_gid |
24 hours | Used to distinguish users for Google Analytics. |
_gat |
1 minute | Used to throttle request rate for Google Analytics. |
_gat_<property-id> |
1 minute | Used to throttle request rate for Google Analytics. |
2 years | This Google Analytics cookie is used to retrieve the Client ID (random number for identification between different sessions). |
_dc_gtm_<property-id> |
1 minute | Used to throttle request rate for Google Analytics. |
wordpress_<hash> |
14 days | This WordPress cookie stores your authentication details. Its use is limited to the admin console area, /wp-admin/ |
wordpress_logged_in_<hash> |
14 days | After login, this WordPress cookie indicates when you're logged in, and who you are, for most interface use. |
wp-settings-<uid> |
14 days | WordPress also sets a few wp-settings-[UID] cookies. The number on the end is your individual user ID from the users database table. This is used to customize your view of admin interface, and possibly also the main site interface. |
wp-settings-time-<uid> |
14 days | WordPress also sets a few wp-settings-{time}-[UID] cookies. The number on the end is your individual user ID from the users database table. This is used to customize your view of admin interface, and possibly also the main site interface. |
wordpress_test_cookie |
This cookie is used by WordPress to test if cookies are enabled in a user's browser. | |
wpe-auth |
End of browser session | This cookie is for admins only and gives access to WPEngine-related plugin functionality from the WordPress admin panel. |